प्रयास आखिरी सांस तक करना चाहिए, या तो लक्ष्य हासिल होगा या अनुभव दोनों ही बातें अच्छी है.

July 31, 2024


K. V. – V V NAGAR 

Improve your Reading Habits


1. Reading Late at Night—

This is commonly done by college students, especially with their textbooks. This is the least effective time to read for many people, and results in poor concentration, a slow reading rate, and reduced reading comprehension.

2. Reading without a Specific Purpose—

If you don’t have a specific purpose for reading the material, your mind will wander and your reading speed and comprehension will be reduced. Are you reading for main ideas or for details?

3. Reading in the Wrong Environment

If you read in bed, don’t be surprised when you fall asleep while reading. Is the room warm? Do you have soft music in the background? These will all hurt your reading.

4. Reading Again What You’ve Just Read---

This is known as “regression” and not only hurts your reading speed, but makes reading an unpleasant task.

5. Reading By Saying the Words in Your Head--

This is known as “subvocalization.” Effective readers don’t read words inside their heads; they read with little or no sub-vocalization.

6. Reading Everything at the Same Speed-

A common faulty habit. Some materials must be read faster than others. In other words, you must be flexible with your reading speed.

7. Reading Details before Main Ideas--

Without reading main ideas first, known as skimming or surveying, it is much more difficult to understand the organization of what you are reading and to assimilate the details in your memory.

8. Reading with a Yellow Highlighter

One of the least effective ways to do your reading and studying, highlighting creates a false sense of security that you really understood what you highlighted. The result: A second reading is almost always required.

9. Reading Everything Line by Line---

While some materials must be read line by line, the majority of materials require a combination of skimming, scanning, and line by line reading. Without combining reading techniques, your reading is almost guaranteed to be slow and your comprehension reduced.

10. Reading without Time Limits---

Giving yourself unlimited time to complete your reading results in inefficient reading and mind wandering. In fact, allowing yourself too much time will not only reduce your reading speed but your reading comprehension as well.

